
时间: 02-27 18:28 阅读: 956次
  卢湾重力坝设计   摘 要:卢湾水利枢纽是以防洪为主, 结合灌溉、工业用水、发电、发展旅游综合利用的水利枢纽工程。本设计从卢湾实际情况出发,按照《混凝土重力坝设计规范》,分别对挡水坝段、溢流坝段以及深孔坝段进行设计。挡水坝段采用工作可靠、结构简单、施工导流容易的实体重力坝,并分多种荷载组合情况进行稳定计算和应力分析;溢流坝段为WES曲线型实用堰;深孔坝段采用无压泄水孔。大坝高115.5m, 该坝的修建对促进当地的经济发展具有重要的意义。   Abstract:luwan Hydro-junction is based on comprehensive utilization,such us flood control,irrigation,industrial water ,power generation, tourism developmentand so on.It has designed thewater retaining dam section,the overflowingdam sectionand the deep holedam sectionin accordance with"the Norm of Concrete Gravity Dam Designing" and the actual conditions of Ningxi. The overflowing forbidden dam section is a solid gravity damwhich works reliablly, has simple structure and c...

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